It is in the very nature of females to adorn themselves to increase their beauty and appeal. Apart from the other methods of beautification, the art of making tattoos is a very widely used way to adorn the body. Tattoos for girls can be made in different places to serve different purposes.

The most common tattoo for girls is the daisy. This flower has been associated with femininity and innocence since ancient times. In the year 1960 when there was a lot of hype of promoting peace, the daisy was as popular a tattoo to symbolize peace as the peace sign itself.
The tattoos for girls are made at different places, their size depending on the place they are being made at. The most common site for a tattoo for a girl is the ankle. It can also be made on the leg, on the back of the neck, on the lower back or abdomen. Making a tattoo on the ankle allows the girls to show them off on will. Combining a beautifully done ankle tattoo with stylish and chic pair of shoes or stilettos can make a fashion statement, something girls are most concerned with. But as everything else with fashion, you have to consider what is in fashion regarding tattoos and if it is going to stay in fashion or not.

Getting a tattoo on the ankle is not a very easy task. The absence of fat on the ankle leaves just a single layer of skin between the surface and the bone. Making a tattoo on it can cause a lot of pain, as the intensity of pain increases as the distance to the bone decreases. That is why the ankle tattoos are made a little above the ankle to avoid some of the pain. And once you do get an ankle tattoo, a lot of care has to be taken in the first few tattoo days. Due to its location, an ankle tattoo is most susceptible to bleeding, this will not only cause discomfort to you, but can also spoil the newly acquired tattoo design. Therefore it is always recommended to keep the tattooed leg elevated as much as possible for a few days. The best season to get a tattoo is summers as in summers the minimum clothing will come in contact with the site where the tattoo has been made, hence facilitating the healing.